Greetings and welcome to my blog, I am currently redesigning the site so some of my pictures are unfortunately missing because I had to close my sellers account that I had with the Smugmug site because as a free lance photographer I just couldn't afford it.
Once again I apologize for the bareness of my blog and will be working on it continually until I get it restored.
Thank you for your patience! -Megan

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Digital photos for $1 royaly free

Dear Bloggers, I am sorry that it has been so long since I have last posted a photo.
    I am excited to announce that I am now selling Digital downloads of my Photos out of my Etsy shop
You can visit it here
The instant downloads are only $1 and you may use the photos as you wish, I only ask that you dont mass reproduce them because they are still under my copyright.
These are the only two that I have in the store so far but I will have more to come shortly!
Click here learn more about the photo above

Click here to learn more about the photo above
Please Check back soon because I will have more photos available for instant download.