Greetings and welcome to my blog, I am currently redesigning the site so some of my pictures are unfortunately missing because I had to close my sellers account that I had with the Smugmug site because as a free lance photographer I just couldn't afford it.
Once again I apologize for the bareness of my blog and will be working on it continually until I get it restored.
Thank you for your patience! -Megan

Saturday, September 3, 2011

New Clean Look!

   Greetings!  I have taken the morning to sit down and Clean up and Update my Blog, So I hope that the site is more attractive and relaxing at the same time. I know that I had too many extra things on my blog there for a while and it began to feel cramped and overwhelming. Let me know What you Like or dont Like about the new appearance so that I can maybe make it better!  :)


  1. parbleu! it's swept! :O :P:P:P I like the clouds too. It looks a lot lighter for some reason :)

  2. I know it does feel alot lighter It feels more open and airy to me now. Maybe because when I look at it I dont get a headache because its soo overloaded! LOL :)

  3. Very nice! Much easier to navigate and more in tune to your vast artistic ability.
